And I want to show you an example of this, to lead to both the syntax, and to the semantics.
Second thing we want to talk about very briefly as we go along is the semantics of the language.
So actually, the problem with static semantics is you'd like it to catch everything, you don't always get it.
The semantics was what caused the problem, because the operator was expecting a particular kind of structure there.
OK. What happens if you actually have something that's both syntactically correct, and appears to have correct static semantics, and you run it?
And I want to describe both the syntax, what we're doing, and then the semantics of how do we use it and what does that mean.
Just like with a natural language, we're going to separate out syntax versus semantics.
Not everything is going to get caught in static semantics checking.
The last piece of it is, in addition to having static semantics, we have sort of full semantics.
What's the point? Again, you can have things that are syntactically legal but not semantically meaningful, and static semantics is going to be a way of helping us decide what expressions, what pieces of code, actually have real meaning to it. All right?