Milton's striking such a strange authoritarian note here that it's easy to skip over it.
I'm actually going to skip over this for reasons of time and just go to some examples of the unconscious in modern psychology.
And you get that reinforced on the very next page if you just skip over about a page from there: "A black pickup truck turned off a side road in front of him.
In the interest of time, I'm going to skip over a few other passages that I was going to read to you in reinforcement of this insistence, on de Man's part, that literature differs from other forms of discourse, the remaining question being: literature differs from other forms of discourse how?
I've got to go to the first place, figure out how far over to skip, go to the next place, figure out how far over to skip, eventually I'll be out the door.
And, if you skip over to 215, this image comes back of this mother: "All cars had disappeared except his station wagon. His pregnant young wife was now getting into it with her baby and the other more or less canceled child."