"Because you do this little process like I am doing right here right now so slow and it takes me long time to do everything."
VOA: standard.2010.07.06
There is too much talking in the room so I am asking you to stop now in respect for your classmates.
and now I am a taxi driver, so.
So let me write where I am now, or we are now.
So now, henceforth, when you say, to declare a function, I am declaring a function here but down here am I quote unquote defining it or implementing it.
So, I have to say, I am very excited now to introduce you to Dr. Taylor, Taylor who I would be teaching with this semester -- limited engagement -- who will tell you about some of the course policies.
So, now, the defenders have to do it, in a perfect situation, I am marching towards their corn crop, grain crop, at the time just before the grain is going to be harvested.
e The charge on the anion times minus e, so there is the minus e squared, 0R0 and divided by 4 pi epsilon zero r naught, because now I am evaluating this function at r naught, one minus one over n where n is the Born exponent.
So it's very different from "I will". You're saying, "I am, right now, going to do something in the future."
因此这个句型跟“I will”有很大不同。你实际上表达的意思是,我现在正打算将来做某事。
than be an academic or a professor." And so I did my degree in education and now here I am at TIA.