They include Christianity,same sex love and the excitement of speeding down a road.
VOA: special.2011.05.27
So in the end,the canon is a list of the winners in the historical debate to define orthodox Christianity.
The Old Testament prophet had said, "All flesh is grass," an important verse for the new dispensation of Christianity.
It found that Christianity is the largest religion in the United States.
VOA: special.2010.03.05
And so this household structure becomes very important for the growth and structure and even the theology of Christianity eventually.
That is a Christianity which is in line with the murders of the early church, in line with all of those who have suffered over the century's further faith.
Under that heading you might call "American Progress" came the sense of American mission: spreading liberty, spreading democracy, spreading Christianity.
That's a pretty unique claim. And they carried with them the idea and the traditions that laid the foundation for the major religions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
It's a wonderfully compressed argument in which the Soul and the Heart make competing claims for Christianity and classical and literary wisdom.
Christianity began as a persecuted religion that ultimately captured the Roman empire only after centuries of hostility towards the Empire, towards Rome, towards the secular state in general.
In the second century you can't really use the term "orthodox Christianity" versus "heretical Christianity," because there wasn't--orthodoxy hadn't been established,yet.
Clearly early Christianity has got to be studied in the context of Ancient Judaism, and so we'll do so next time.
This is a course that introduces you to the New Testament literature, but also the history of other material from the very first one hundred years or so of early Christianity.
Orthodox Christianity teaches us to put aside our concerns for the body when we consider our death.
I think that theological positions need to change and we know that can, look at how they've changed in Christianity regarding women, not perfect, but, regarding women, the end of human chattel slavery.
This is the first time we have in Christianity someone attempting to say,"This is the authoritative list.
But it's important for understanding both the Roman Empire, as well as early Christianity and its patron-client relations.
This was why Christianity and other things were able to spread so easily, why Paul was able to travel around the empire.
Well, my book looks at Christianity, Islam and Hinduism, particularly in the Southeast Asian context.
With the rise of Christianity, western religion came to be defined to a large degree by the confession of, or the intellectual assent to, certain doctrinal points of belief.
Northerners and Southerners shared basically the same Protestant Christianity, although they used it in different ways.
To write any kind of epic at all might very well seem to be embracing an inappropriately sensual paganism at the expense of the higher discipline of good, old-fashioned monotheistic Christianity.
So we're in this kind of situation where we have the hangovers of Christianity still occupying the culture, without necessarily knowing a lot about it.
And what this class will do is talk about how did it become orthodox Christianity, rather than one of the other kinds of Christianity?
We'll look at the Jewish context, for example, for the development of the New Testament and early Christianity.
Some time around this period of time,in early Christianity, somebody got the big idea, "Hey,let's cut up the scroll into pages, and sew the pages together. And then,put it all in a book.
And for the Muslims on the world, believing in Judaism and Christianity is an essential thing.