They collected some of the oysters that were left behind, checked on their health, and removed offspring that didn't belong in the study.
VOA: standard.2010.07.13
And so he said, if you start off with a male and a female, at the end of one month they have an offspring. Let's assume they have two offspring. At the end of the next month let's assume those offspring have offspring. Again a male and female.
What's the difference between this cell which I call a committed progenitor cell and its offspring, and the offspring of that offspring.
In Genesis 3:15, God says to the snake: "I will put enmity Between you and the woman, ; And between your offspring and hers; They shall strike at your head, And you shall strike at their heel."
I think it's understandable that Milton would call the power of light "offspring of Heav'n first-born."
The animal that eats its offspring, those genes are a biological dead end.
In this case, if everything goes right, you inject the DNA into the pronucleus, you implant this fertilized egg into a foster mother, the mother gives birth to offspring, it develops and when it develops this foreign DNA is in the offspring.