All right. With all this said, how can the theorist recuperate honor for certain names like, for example, his own?
or in some cases because they're very famous writer or theorist or politician.
During all of these problems for the personality theorist, the body theorist,the fans of the body theorist,is standing there laughing.
Also--this is to be kept in mind, and this is of course we'll have more to say about distinctions between them on Tuesday: Derrida is not a literary theorist.
He was critic and theorist. What I discovered was his critical writings.
So the body theorist can avoid the problem of fission, avoid the problem of duplication by adding the no branching rule.
Ah,says the soul theorist, Follow the soul--unless the soul splits, Shelly Kagan in which case neither of them is Shelly Kagan.
Maybe the soul theorist has an alternative available to it that-- available to him that the other theories don't have.
Needless to say, it's the central word in Derrida, which is nevertheless not classifiable or categorizable, and so for that reason we can't really say Derrida is specifically a literary theorist.
And I've drawn a lot of different distinctions about what would you say if you're a personality theorist to deal with this?
As far as I can see,the best option for the body theorist at this point is to add--no surprises here--a no branching rule.
We ask. And then the soul theorist says, "Well, uhm.. er.. ah.. it just can."
And if the best the soul theorist can say is, "I can't explain it and neither can you," that's not a reason to believe this side.
And so when the personality theorist says the key to personal identity is the same personality. They don't mean literally the very same set of believes and desires.
What's the alternative? The alternative,it seems,for the soul theorist, Shelly Kagan is to say,neither of them is Shelly Kagan.
What we'll ask ourselves next time is whether or not the body theorist is in a better situation.
We already learned,by thinking about the corpse case, that existence wasn't good enough for the body theorist.
So,in the fission case,the body says,the body theorist says, in the fission case,there's splitting,there's branching.
Suppose the soul theorist answers that last objection by saying,Ain't ever going to happen.
So it looks as though the personality theorist is going to have to introduce a distinction between my being alive, on the one hand,and my body being alive,on the other.
So,what does the soul theorist say about the fission case?
What should a soul theorist say about the fission case?
But still,even the body theorist needs a different distinction.
And the question for the theorist is to show how this two can be combined should be combined and how with sensitivity to both You can perceive things that you don't otherwise.
That's what the personality theorist said.
What's the body theorist to do?
The key to personal identity not the only thing a soul theorist can say but the natural thing for a soul theorist to say the key to personal identity is having the very same soul.
So at the very same moment that positing the nonsplitting of souls seems to solve the fission problem of duplication, it yanks the rug out from underneath the soul theorist by undermining one of the types of arguments for believing in the soul in the first place.
But at least for a while,during period C, the body theorist should say,Yeah,you will exist.
But in the abnormal case,the personality theorist needs to say, or so it seems to me,the two deaths come apart.