In a fit of gambling, Nala finally gambled his entire kingdom and lost-- it's a terrible story-- and Nala then had to leave the kingdom and his wife.
And then we sort of make a list of who we think would be a good fit for our sorority,
In 1896, Charles Pickering from Harvard found a series of lines in starlight which he attributed to hydrogen, even though they did not fit Balmer.
And sexual selections give rise to a host of organisms, some of which survive and are fit and others which aren't.
What Gauss did was said, let's fit a line through the point-- the scatter of points--and that's called the regression line.
He is not simply a teacher of political pragmatism, of how to adjust means to fit the ends.
This will be very important because Christians started out as house churches, and their house churches fit sometimes the model of a Greek ekklesia, an assembly, but sometimes the model of the Roman household.
Cereal would be--a serving of cereal would be about the amount that would fit in a wine glass, but people think that you fill up a bowl and that becomes a serving, but a typical amount of cereal that people serve themselves might be two or three times what the ordinary size is.
When they're through and had reached their peak, their notion of monarchy is something fit for barbarians, but not for Greeks. A free man may not live under a monarchy, and the roots of that, I think, are visible in Homer.
Can you explain the advantages of being a student at FIT?
Maybe something to be a chaplain wouldn't fit into the scheme of things, I think.
That's what I want to do for the first few minutes of the lecture here is tell you a little bit about the details of the structure and how molecules fit into this image of DNA that's already very familiar to you.
What he did was coined this. But he found that by taking the reciprocal of the wavelengths, you have four numbers, he took the reciprocals of those wavelengths and found that they fit a numerical sequence.
Next week, social thought and social behavior, mysteries; basically, a series of topics that don't fit anywhere in the course and really make psychologists scratch their heads.
We all seek our own interests and soon we join up with a family, we want the family's interest up to a point, but how is this fit together with the needs of the community at large?