We also know of a very early Semitic work, the Epic of Atrahasis, in which there's a flood.
We seem to also have a different account of how long the flood lasted; there are more subtle contradictions throughout as well.
Certainly if you buy them out somewhere you're going to get one that's maybe the size of a light bulb, but it's like the flood light in your backyard or something, it's a huge light.
Sometimes the flood seems to be the result of very heavy rain, but in other descriptions it seems to be a real cosmic upheaval.
You might want to get that out in front of you because we're going to talk a little bit about the flood story in Genesis 6 through 9.
In both you have the flood coming about as the deliberate result of a divine decision; you have one individual who's chosen to be saved from the flood; that individual is given specific instructions on building an ark, and is given specific instructions on who to bring on-board the ark.
The Noah story, the flood story, ends with the ushering in of a new era, and it is in many ways a second creation that mirrors the first creation in some important ways.
We know of a very ancient Sumerian flood story.