He influenced a great many people whose work is still current throughout the United States and elsewhere.
This is very simple but it's a great way to ask about a specific category among many different categories.
Trans fats are in a great many foods and if you start looking carefully at food labels you'll see how many foods have Trans fats.
In many ways he is advancing a philosophic postulate of great scope and power, although the full development of the thesis is only left deeply embedded.
A great many modern figures never stopped to question slavery.
Now there is an irony there, because without the myth, we lose out on a great many worth to survive With myth, taken literally, we are self-fullfilling the past.
but it's still a great way to express yourself in these situations and many more similar situations.
But it's just like a great meeting place, because there's not many places in New York
You know, it's a great place. I've walked through there many times.
Ah, many of you have seen it, it's a great film. It's a true story, it's about Fountainebleu, which is southeast of Paris, sort of a fancy place, and it's about his childhood about French schools. My kids have been in French schools for many years so I know about these places.
So while again, what we read for today is not in itself literary theory, it is nevertheless crucially formative for a great many of the developments in literary theory that we'll be studying.
It's not just that, as we'll see, it's a great many other things too.