Said a different way, in the case of the straight-line programs, how long would it take to run a program?
If you're investing with a long time horizon, having an equity bias makes sense; stocks go up in the long run.
If we do justice and if we respect rights, society as a whole will be better off in the long run.
How it ends up in the long run for the Dutch is that the Dutch cease to be a great power.
Because there is a lot of research that shows when we praise people indiscriminately, we are actually in the long run potentially hurting them more than helping them, whether it's their wellbeing,as well as their success.
What if we have a case where making an exception and violating individual rights actually will make people better off in the long run?
Over the long run, Great Britain remains a constitutional monarchy even in the nineteenth century, when Victoria had great prestige, she did not have great power.
Well, he says because in the long run, if we do justice and if we respect rights, society as a whole will be better off in the long run.
If the doctor goes in and yanks the organs from the healthy patient who came in for a checkup to save five lives, there would be adverse effects in the long run.
He wrote a book called Stocks for the Long Run, starting in 1993.
Suppose the utilitarian calculus in the long run works out as he says it will such that respecting people's rights is a way of making everybody better off in the long run.