She left, went far away, came all the way back a month later, and once again, got an audience with Gandhi.
So you can think of a new line as being rolling the paper up so you're on a new line but a carriage return moves the cursor or moves that writing head all the way back to the left.
Different kinds of polarity form, there's a head, and there's a tail, there's a back, there's a front, there's a left side and there's a right side.
As people's weights get high -I'm sorry let's go back here, got a little trigger happy here -as weights go high, from left to right you see the risk of Diabetes gets really very high.
And we're walking back to Pierson and we leave the Starbuck's, we make a left on Chapel Street, we're walking up to York, I'm getting a little sleepy, , but my friend looks at me and says, " "Huh. I feel a little funny."
That's the finger thing from left finger to right finger going back and forth across the board, never touching a number more than once.