One sort of opens up the beginning of life here and the other closes it down through a referencing of death.
Even after the Israelites will settle in their own land, the life of the desert pastoralist remained a sort of romantic ideal for them.
I think that just it's a story that about his family before he left and sort of how he had a very happy, joyful life with his family.
But even some of them who'd learned language and who managed to get some sort of independent life, nevertheless will suffer from a severe social impairment.
From its very beginnings philosophy and the city philosophy and political life have stood in a sort of tension with one another.
So maybe a better way to talk about it would just be: Life's a biological process; we're all familiar with that process, sort of, in its middle stretches.
Were you and the president and everybody else in the White House worked as hard as you could, but things just sort of run away, took on a life of its own.
That is the dominant sort of paradigm of what life is all about, at least in the Western world and a good deal more of it where the West has had an influence.
He's sort of an innocent primitive, he appears unclothed he lives a free, peaceful life in harmony with the animals, with nature and the beasts, he races across the steppes with the gazelles.
His works seem less theoretical constructing abstract models of political life than advice-giving, in the sense of serving as a sort of civic-minded arbiter of public disputes.
I try to lead a normal life." It's sort of funny.
- And it's worth--; it's sort of a useful test for asking yourself -- what are the things you must value in life-- to ask, what would you choose to do if you knew you had five years, ten years, ? what have you?