It's a way of thinking about form that has more to do with individuality than it does with convention.
You know, it's just a very different skill and in some ways a different way of thinking.
Engineers find it congenial because they have a way of thinking constructively about the world that is kind of parallel to finance.
And, during the time of his interactions with Thompson and Rutherford, he got to thinking about a way to explain the observations of Rutherford.
But it is a very handy way of thinking about, not just how to program, but how to break problems down into nice sized chunks.
And first we discussed the fact that well, in terms of a classical analogy, we don't really have one for wave function, we can't really think of a way to picture wave function thinking in classical terms.
Milton recognizes that way of thinking as a double standard, ; and he isn't satisfied with this vulgar double standard; so he comes up with a vulgar double standard of his own.
So he wanted to view them with a new way of thinking about how they did business.
It's a way to learn through experience, to change your way of thinking through experience.
So this points to a second categorical way of thinking about moral reasoning.
It's a throwback to some earlier way of thinking.
Of course, once you start thinking of it this way, it's natural to talk this way across a variety of things that the computer may be trying to do.
It's just a useful way of thinking about things.
I think it's a remarkable dynamic that Mark started this company in 2004 and that first generation the first nine or ten years of the Internet did not have a Facebook-like company that was thinking through it in a simple way.
One way of thinking about the metaphor of city and soul together is to think of it as a particular kind of causal hypothesis, about the formation of both individual character and political institutions.
It turns out that cells receive signals or information from the rest of the body in a variety of ways, but there's one way in particular that's a very useful way for thinking about how cells receive most information.
But, it seemed like there was kind of a way of thinking.
Again we can look at this in terms of thinking about a picture this way, in terms of drawing the wave function out on an axis.
They're running through a loop. It's a common way of thinking about problems.
Does it make sense to think we could do this in less than linear time? You know, it takes a little bit of thinking. What would it mean do I see a hand way at the back, yes please? Thank you.
Second thing they're going to do is let us suppress detail. And in essence what that does is, the functions, and we're going to look at a bunch of examples in a second, these functions are going to give us a way to, in some or in one way of thinking about it is to create new primitives.
So another way to say that is, in a sense, if we're thinking about the excited state of a hydrogen atom, the first excited state, or the n equals 2 state, what we're saying is that it's actually bigger than the ground state, or the 1 s state of a hydrogen atom.
So, that, for me, was kind of the first connection that what went, "Woah, wait a second, I want to be thinking about these molecules all the way down to the level of individual atoms."
If we had been thinking -- and some of us may well have been thinking and we were right to think provisionally -that Satan was a character that we could actually identify with, if we had been thinking that Satan was in any way a perfect character with some sort of justifiable claim -these thoughts are now being corrected by the means, by the mechanism, of the simile.
Or we could talk about the various kinds of ways-- this is the physicalist way of thinking about it-- according to the physicalist, a person is just a body that has the ability to fulfill the various P functions.
So, we now have this new way of thinking about how a nucleus and an electron can hang together, and this is quantum mechanics, and we can use this to come up with a new way to describe our atom and the behavior of atoms.
So this means we now have a new way of thinking about the photoelectric effect, and that nu is the idea that h times nu is actually an energy.