- You open Brooks and you find yourself really apart perhaps-- I don't know how well all of you are acquainted with the texts of Freud.
I mean, like, unless you, you're like, acquainted with the city, then, like, you can find stuff,
Anyone who is acquainted with these works will immediately recognize in the poem certain references to vegetation ceremonies.
But you don't bump up against, you don't meet, you don't see or grasp or become directly acquainted with, the forms in this life.
So I personally am acquainted with Doctor Mattson.
If seeing things that participate in the forms remind me of the forms, it's got to be because I've met or been acquainted directly with the forms before.
I have to already be acquainted with her.
In order for a more or less just society to remind me of justice itself, so that I can start thinking about the nature of justice itself, I have to somehow have already been acquainted with perfect justice.
When Plato asked himself how could that be, the answer he gave is, well, it's got to be we were previous acquainted with the forms before our life in this world, and that shows that the soul must be something that existed prior to the creation of the body.