You don't have to declare a special variable for it if you don't care about its actual value.
In other words, lower the amount insured below the actual value of the house to prevent moral hazard.
Well, what's the actual value?
We have a pointer to the location in memory that contains the actual value, which itself might be a bunch of pointers, and we have a pointer to the actual-- sorry, a pointer the value and we have a pointer to the next element in the list. All right?
Now, this is not the nicest way to do it but it'll work. I can look at the type of the value of base and compare it to the type of an actual float and see, are they the same?
And again, a related problem that people run into is side-effects. You call a function and it returns a value, but maybe it, on purpose or on accident, modifies one of the actual parameters.