But he wants to get at something here, and I think it's helpful to put it next to that advertisement for Ulysses.
Some people believe that spending money on an advertisement is more important than making a quality product.
That's how this advertisement represents critics, even though it also invokes critics to describe what's powerful about the novel.
Compound that 13.4% over ten years and there's just an enormous gap between those mutual fund numbers that are in the prospectus and in the advertisement--the time-weighted returns and the dollar-weighted returns that talk about the actual experience of the investment community.
I don't know if any of you watched tennis recently, but the U.S. Open has been shown and there's an Oreo advertisement with the William sisters and so you--that's why people know about these foods.
the show or the game or whatever else is going on next to the advertisement.
Can I plug in advertisement right here?
At the same time it's part and parcel of that elite body of knowledge, so again there is this kind of two-facedness to the advertisement.
The point of this advertisement is to make you feel like you don't have to know what the critic knows in order to read this novel.
The people already engrossed are the strong ones, and "you can be that!," this advertisement wants to say.
Talking--presenting the picture to the world that, 'Well look at this wonderful thing we did, we took out the trans fats and now you can eat as much of it as you want.' They don't say it but one could infer that from the advertisement.
Now when Black Boy was published there was a war bond advertisement on the back cover of the book.
Isn't it interesting how many messages are embedded in that short advertisement.
There's that agitation that I was talking about. "The average man": this advertisement wants you to see Ulysses as a story about a man you can identify with.
So this advertisement tells you that the great classic of modernism is something you stride into like a man, but you don't have to be a particularly extraordinary man to do so.