And so there was great concern that we were vulnerable in this way, because the disease is still a disease that could affect people.
Both have calories and energy, but they're of course much different from one another and how they affect people and what they do for a person's health.
Now, if that was all we had to say about disgust, it wouldn't affect morality very much but we know that people can be seen as disgusting.
and it struck me that that there was a lot missing from the picture that has been given in Washington as they were trying to set policies that would affect education, that would affect the regulation of entertainment in terms of understanding of young people's relationships to technology.
And,even though it's decentralized, it does not mean that the State is not strong, and that the State will not be making decisions that will affect the lives of ordinary people.
And when we put together the class, this is precisely what we thought about: how you affect change and those people whom you change will hopefully influence others and so on and so on.
The glycemic affect is the extent to which this blood sugar effect occurs when people consume certain foods and then the glycemic index is just a number that gets attached to that.
Under-nutrition--now I'm going -this slide has a lot of information on it and I'm going to come back to it in the class where we talk about hunger, but I show it today because of course undernutrition can affect every single system of the body and can have devastating consequences on people's health.
You could take the food guide pyramid and make it the reverse of what it should be and you still end up with something that people really wouldn't see very much, kids don't learn about very much, it doesn't really affect many people, so you could say that it doesn't really matter.
And I'm going to try-- and when these issues come up— I'm going to try to stress them and make you try to think about the extent to which the laboratory research I'll be talking about can affect your everyday life: how you study, how you interact with people, how you might try to persuade somebody of something else, what sort of therapy works best for you.