But there are all sorts of things, you can just breathe in and breathe out, and it's a real opportunity.
I think if, you know, everyone sort of thinks about, I don't know, all being an entrepreneur. But if you're not,
I don't expect you'll all immediately grab it, but you will need to understand it before the quiz comes along.
I won't unpack them all for you now but every one of those details comes from some interpretation of a particular Greek term that Christians used.
We have the words of a language, the morphology, but all that gives you is "Dog," "Cup," "Chair," "House," "Story," "Idea."
I know you want to get on with life, and you're onto the next thing, and you are tuning out, but you hear all the click, click, click, click, click?
So if you guys could come over here but still maintain your alignment so 128 should be all the way over here and one, you should be all the way over here and you guys similarly need to shuffle.
Indeed, all the earth is Mine, but you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.' These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Israel."
I mean look, you're all going to college, but it wasn't inevitable that you go to college.
So, if you can't immediately know, and you don't all have periodic tables in front of you, so that's fine, but if you have a periodic table in front of you, you need to be able to count valence electrons, so work on that if it doesn't come naturally to you in terms of figuring that out.
You don't all live in America, but a lot of you live in a democracy.
Quickly to reread it--I know that you all have it glued to your wrists, but in case you don't, I'll reread it: I am Tony the Tow Truck. I live in a little yellow garage.
But it's all legal and you could make an argument that it's in a general good of our society that people do that.
But first of all I wanna welcome you to the Inner Core and I want to say just by introduction how inspiring it has been to work with you over these last years since I've been here. You were part of the group that hired me and I thank you so much for that.
You use it all the time, but maybe along one dimension.
Again, I'm not expecting you to remember all the details of this but I'm going to show you this-- when you put all these things together, it's called the metabolic syndrome, and I'll show you some data on its impact on health.