In the diner, in the apartment: all you do in the apartment is move from one room to another.
And now, it's like everyone just wants to be in Central Park, picnics all the time in the summer.
So, clearly you don't have your notes in front of you yet, so you can just listen, take it all in.
In fact you can find all over American culture in 1800,1810, even into the 1820s, a lot of fear of technology.
Those people are all in trouble because it's illegal to trade on insider information and they tracked them all down.
There's a real sense, I think, in which Milton wanted to re-create all of Western culture or to re-create all of Western culture in his own image.
You know, "I'd like to go in this way"; all those resonances in those two words.
The short answer is that I think these writers best represent all the different threads, all the different forces in the American Novel Since 1945.
It could form in any direction because the Coulombic field is radial in all directions.
Right, so you should all have been choosing in this game, you all should have chosen Alpha.
And we need to tell stories about this family in Mozambique, that group in Ethiopia, these people in Cambodia, and all of those sorts of things that I think to make it real.
All the cells in your body have the capability of making all the proteins that you make, but they're not all made in every cell.
It might be worth pausing over the variety of ways in which we can think of signs in language, all of which have to do with the way in which a given sign might be chosen to go into a speech sentence.
Let me mention a few administration economic proposals, all couched in terms of controlling cost and spurring growth, all linked in one way or another to the economic crisis that was started during the housing bust.
If we all have a desire to know, ? doesn't this connote something universal, that all should be free, that all should participate in ruling and being ruled as citizens of a city?
If they're all fighting in this hoplite style, how do all of these great Greek military personas develop, who are famed for being such wonderful, individual soldiers, if there's no real hand-to-hand, one-on-one?