It's in relation to all of these forms of lateness that we can best understand the opening invocation of Paradise Lost.
And going into a different school, where all of the dynamics changed was probably one of the best and most exciting,
What this parable really teaches us is that we do best to wait, we do best to consider the command, to consider all of the possible investment strategies.
In fact, of all the systems of cellular differentiation that are known in our bodies, probably hematopoiesis is the best known.
I, of all the things I did as Chief of Staff, I give myself the best grade on personnel.
So, you've got the best possible balance of wonderful pleasures and wonderful, fantastic experiences, since that's all there is to human wellbeing.
This is, I think one, of the best examples of that syncretic view of religion, that basically all worshippers are worshipping the same god.
Every one of them has a positive equity premium; although the U.S. is on the high side of them all, it's not the best.
Aristotle in his Politics says this: "As man is the best of the animals when perfected, so he is the worst of all when he is divided away from the law and justice."
Or will the best regime be a large cosmopolitan ? order embracing all human beings " perhaps even a kind of universal League of Nations consisting of all free and equal men and women?
The first thing I want to be sure was all students understand about the mechanics of the course and the best way to learn about that was to read very carefully the paragraphs at the bottom.
Once I deleted all the strategies that were never a best response and just focused on that little box of strategies that survived, the picture looked exactly the same as it did before, albeit it blown up and the numbers changed.
I'm putting Freud here but what I mean is well-known defenders of Freud will make some claims like: adult personality traits are shaped by the course of psychosexual development; all dreams are disguised wish fulfillment; psychoanalysis is the best treatment for mental disorders.
So you have to think, first of all, what you want the best for yourself, and in food , in other things, too.
What all this suggests, then, and this is a point that I really made before, is that the best understanding of the deprivation account doesn't say that what's bad is the mere fact that we're going to die.
The kinds of arguments we have been considering so far all fall under the general rubric of "Inference to the best explanation."
目前为止 我们讨论的这些论证,都是在 "最佳解释推理",这个一般准则下进行的的