Humans suffered as a consequence from nutritional deficiencies in almost all parts of the world because there weren't complete diets.
You know, it's between 50 and 60 almost all year round and then,
But in terms of more senior staff, more senior interactions, the WHCF in almost all configurations, is the most regular person interacted.
The Federal Funds Rate was 5.5% and then the whole term structure -all the way--almost all the way.
It was the setting for almost all of his novels, almost all of his poetry.
As with almost all of the issues of contemporary and political struggle in the seventeenth century, Milton's own views really pull decidedly to the left, to the progressive end of the political spectrum.
For many, many years almost all the studies on cancer in health were done in men.
Nevertheless, almost all of you chose easy.
Because the Mycenaean centers all reveal for that stretch of time that they're scared. The proof of it comes from strengthening their already quite strong walls in almost all the sites that we see, and also--this is a very important fact.
It can be, you know, about, almost all, like... This is midterm week,
I lived in Europe for almost 4 years and I would say not just in some ways, but perhaps in all ways, we have done that.
It's much more a question of reminding you ; that if you can do it with this, you can do it with anything; but also of reminding you that, after all, reading--reading just anything--is a complex and potentially almost unlimited activity.
It's a long avenue that runs from Greenwich Village all the way up into Harlem, almost into Harlem.
Almost all pro-slavery writers at one point or another will dip into the Old Testament, or dip into the New Testament they especially would dip to the Old to show how slavery is an ancient and venerable institution.
And generally in this language called "C" as well as a lot of others, almost all of your lines have to end with semicolons, but not all; just almost all and we'll see the difference.
Almost ninety percent of the university is all white, all male.