We have already encountered on some level the importance of the figure of eating to John Milton. Think of Comus.
It's great for showing that you've already expressed something and you want to emphasize that point to you are conversant.
We already talked about the Hittite vassal treaties as a model for the Israelite covenant, when we were talking about Exodus.
Now you also may remember that we have already run into Spenser's Mammon before this point, before Paradise Lost.
And the first thing you do is ask is it an instance of some problem that other people have already solved?
And,again,to us in the modern world, if you didn't already have some exposure to religious narratives like this,that would sound odd.
So, more data to come, so this is a clip some of you might have seen in section already.
Soon we'll know. First of all, we'd better say, as is already clear from what we've been quoting, language is not quite Saussurian.
It also is the case that probably many of you have already read it and possibly studied it in school and talked about it.
The reason is because we already have a full valence shell for our hydrogen, it doesn't want any more electrons.
I wrote my first book--I already talked about that, Pioneering Portfolio Management--that deals with the challenges that face institutional investors.
You'll hear maybe later about, or maybe you've already about Milgram and maybe Asch conformity and maybe Robber's Cave.
The difficulty with reading Machiavelli today is that we all think we already know what he knows and that is false.
We need to think about solutions to this, right from the start of the class, and we already talked about something.
And I'm inclined to think, "Yes." In fact, I already suggested as much when I talked about the chess-playing computers.
Now another approach would be to take pieces of the pancreas that already have all that capability within them.