If somebody walks and you're meeting them for the first time, and hope in the world, how do you do?"
I like, if I'm going somewhere for the first time, then I'll definitely go online and kind of google it.
Suppose the Milgram experiment had never been done and it was being done for the first time here.
Because that for the first time, I kind of looked up and just like, wow, you know I have a team of engineers here and like a lot of smart people who can start building a lot of stuff in a different way that is currently being done.
Because there will not be time to look at that code for the first time during the quiz, and figure out what it's doing.
And, so, for the first time ordinary Parisians found themselves masters of their own lives.
It disappears and comes back, and at that time his mother, who is actually Freud's daughter, was going out to work for the first time on some days, and the boy was getting used to letting her go.
And what we find, the first example of a Bronze Age-- and I use the word civilization now for the first time, because before the Bronze Age-- there is nothing that we would define as civilization.
And then finally, as you know, the first concept sheet is due next week, and any of those who were here for the first time can go to the lecture notes for last week and it gives a detailed description of how to do the first concept sheet.
Because here he was for the first time in-- well, since my wife and I were together-- someone else is getting much more attention than I was, no matter how much I cried.
And that for the first time in my life time and really the worst time in American history, re more than disliked in the world.
And I live with a girl that I met actually when I came out to visit the Johnson School for the very first time.
Or maybe you're meeting somebody and discussing their personal life for the first time.
The bill was passed, and within five months after the bill was passed, we had double digit unemployment for the first time.
It was implanted into the first patient, a gentleman in Kentucky, and he stayed alive for a period of time with this device replacing his heart.
Just a few reminders, if any of you are here for the first time, and I know there are a few, if you go to this particular website, and you can get to this from the classes server as well, you'll see the course website that we've developed and it has a lot more information than if you just go to the classes server and click on the syllabus.