• He decided to do his own study parallel to Eric Lee's and much more pervasive.


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  • But there seems to be as much, if not maybe a bit more work in terms of part-time and short-term jobs.


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  • He's starting to champ at the bit. He's ready to write an epic poem on much more important subjects than shepherds and shepherdesses.


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  • That was it. We decided.. I mean we are just talking about when you speak privately, you can be so much more open and so much more grave about things.


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  • And more generally, people tend to give too much weight to the person and not enough weight to the situation.


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  • We eat different kinds of things and many people think that that's what has contributed to much more heart disease.


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  • Acting becomes a religious practice for much more than Franny, not just for Franny and for Zooey 'cause Zooey's an actor too.


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  • Ours a much more visual-- it's a much more analytical-- type of approach to music and it has its pros and cons.


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  • So I would argue as a matter of practice in my own life and certainly in a teaching capacity, frankly, I find this much more readable.


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  • Charlie you often complain that accountants are the root of much evil and also even more folly.


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  • Whereas If our engine is large, we are much more likely to get up that hill, and to do it gracefully with relative ease.


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  • So I should cheat and pick the quantity on my best response line that's much farther out so I'll produce more than my quantity.


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  • All right. Now as you read Iser you'll see immediately that in tone, in his sense of what's important, and in his understanding of the way in which we negotiate the world of texts he much more closely resembles Gadamer than Hirsch.


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  • We differ from lower animals and our brains, which are much more capable of storing and processing information, but we're living in a time of revolution when machines are challenging or competing with our brains.


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  • Yes, much more. When the Us and the EU, And I would say not just the US, I would think about Canada, the US and Mexico Because we need to strengthen Mexican diplomacy.


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  • He'd been diagnosed with, if I recall correctly, cancer as a freshmen--and his doctor had told him that he pretty much had no chance of recovery and indeed had only a couple more years to live.


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