For a real gas it depends on more than the temperature STUDENT: Are there any other constraints similar to that .
I've always got paid a little bit more than that for any research jobs that I have had
And the reason we won't talk any more about this Bohr model is because, of course, it's not correct.
The title of that book, published in 1914, and the one that more than any other made him famous, locates his subjects in a specific geography.
You can be passive if it isn't any good but if you are more active, you may find things.
So you may take this course ultimately via pass-fail or letter grade and I am more than happy to chat with you about the implications and to sign any paper work such as the stack here that you might need.
The fact of the proliferation of possible perspectives is just as important, and I would think it's actually even more important, as any single seemingly proper perspective.
And here's what he finds-- he looks at their English scores: the "fast spurters" improved significantly more than any of the other students.
Today you might say political scientists and social scientists they're more modest in ascribing priority to any particular branch of knowledge.
For some of you it may be difficult I know that and I want you to rest assured that no one in this course wishes to undermine or malign religious faith any more than they wish to promote or proselytize for religious faith.
I can't sell myself into slavery any more than I can take somebody else's life or take someone else as a slave by force.
It's not just that your whole immune system gets revved up and it's going to respond more rapidly to any antigen it's exposed to.
On any dimension that psychologists have measured in these kinds of studies, when people are more similar they are more likely to find each other attractive.
And I wasn't really afraid of it any more.
And is there any way of getting them to do more?
Any of you who have come from Europe will care a lot more about this issue in all likelihood, than the Americans because it's been a much hotter topic in Europe.