Humans suffered as a consequence from nutritional deficiencies in almost all parts of the world because there weren't complete diets.
As a consequence, the diary measures have their own sets of flaws that we'll talk about in a minute.
We're, as a consequence, going to focus on worst case. This is handy for a couple of reasons.
Without question he's the most terrifying of all of the mourners, and he gives an angry, powerful, vitriolic speech about the terrible state of England - the terrible state of the Church of England and, as a consequence, of the terrible state of England in 1637.
It stands in a relation of opposition to other regime types and as a consequence the possibility of conflict of tension and war is built in to the very structure of politics.
Fat has twice the calories per unit weight that protein or carbohydrate sugar has, as a consequence, has the greatest survival value.
And as a consequence, access time in the list is constant, which is what I want.
As a consequence, and of course there's stuff on them and in them that changes the calories.
So, as a consequence, we're going to stick with the worst case analysis.
And as a consequence, brute force methods are typically not going to work.
As a consequence, there's a lot of variability and error in these dietary measurements.
This idea that humans have evolved, that physical changes have occurred in humans as a consequence of their food environment, has led us to where we are now.
As a consequence, they're underestimating the number of calories they're consuming.
As a consequence, he and other researchers then started looking into the lifestyles of people in these various countries to see what might help explain these differences in heart disease.
As a consequence, the body can draw on these stores.
And as a consequence, it is log.
As a consequence, I can now refer to that just by its name.
Notice if I'm going to have two different sub problems I need to have two base cases here to catch this. And if I only had one it would error out. And as a consequence, I can go off and ask about rabbits. Let's see.
The biodiversity has shrunk for various reasons of profitability and as a consequence of that things like corn crops, and the orange crops in Florida are particularly susceptible to certain environmental conditions, certain pests, and certain types of blight.
That goes back to that idea of sort of discipline coding. It's easy to have assumptions about what you think are going to come into the program when you writ it. If you really know what they are use them as search, but if you think there's going to be some flexibility, you want to prevent the user getting trapped in a bad spot, and exceptions as a consequence are a good thing to use.
As a consequence, we believe that no student here is under-qualified for this course: you're all MIT students, you're all qualified to be here.