So, and of course, you know, keeping entropy as a fixed variable for a system like that is extremely cumbersome.
The best things, as they say, "Best things in life are free" and it really is true that, you know,
Soon we'll know. First of all, we'd better say, as is already clear from what we've been quoting, language is not quite Saussurian.
As you know, the maturity is 60-days and, as you know, there are about 360 days in a year.
He brings it up as if we know that this is what he's been talking about all the time.
As we all know, this only works if there is a pointee, which kind of gets back to rule number one.
However, as you know, we didn't stop at the plum pudding model, which is good, because it's a little goofy, so it's nice to move on from that and move on we did.
And I know it is only the third quiz, but I like to keep the quiz number the same as the homework number.
As you know, the correct answer is 9.8, but we don't want to use the calculator now so we'll call it -10.
Flannery O'Connor, as most of you probably know, is a Southern writer.
The final project for this course, as you know is a presentation that you'll give whether it's for the students or the extension school students.
Hemoglobin, as you know, is an oxygen carrier and so red blood cells concentrate in bags of hemoglobin which circulate in your blood and they carry oxygen.
Now, one of the things the Greeks believed, as we discover from a poem written by one of their major poets, is something so far as I know unique to the Greeks.
This is Rembrandt, as most of you know.
One of the reasons why the Milgram experiment is so nice to know is that if this ever happens to you, not as an experiment but in real life, it will no longer be new to you.
And then finally, as you know, the first concept sheet is due next week, and any of those who were here for the first time can go to the lecture notes for last week and it gives a detailed description of how to do the first concept sheet.