And the technique is called, watch because this is a six-letter initialization, linear combination of atomic orbitals LCAO-MO into molecular orbital, LCAO-MO.
It turns out that the antibonding orbital is a little bit higher from the atomic orbital level than the bonding orbital is lower.
And what you find is when you have a bonding orbital, the energy decreases compared to the atomic orbitals.
Now, from your book as well, this is the pz's of the two atomic orbitals forming the bonding orbital.
s1 Here is 1s atomic. But lithium has 2s1, so I need a 2s atomic orbital here and likewise over here.
So we can go ahead and name our molecular orbital, just like we know how to name our atomic orbitals.
The electron's going to come out of that highest occupied atomic orbital, that one that's the highest in energy, because that's going to be the at least amount of energy it needs to eject something.
So, if we have two atomic orbitals coming together from two different atoms and they combine, what we end up forming is a molecular orbital.
So, if we look at the molecular orbital, that's actually going to be lower in energy than either of the two atomic orbitals.
It makes sense that it's going to come out of the highest occupied atomic orbital, because that's going to be the lowest amount of energy that's required to actually eject an electron.
I am going to sum up the atomic orbitals that go into the molecular orbital, and they are going to have some coefficients.
So, saying wave functions within molecules might sound a little confusing, but remember we spent a lot of time talking about wave functions within atoms, and we know how to describe that, we know that a wave function just means an atomic orbital.
So any time that you're drawing these molecular orbital diagrams you want to keep in mind that the number of electrons that you have in atomic orbitals, you need to add those together and put that many electrons into your molecule.
This is 2pz atomic orbital plus 2pz atomic orbital, and they react to form something that smears in this manner.
The 1 s just comes from the fact that the molecular orbital is a combination of two 1 s atomic orbitals.
And these orbitals arise from the combination of individual atomic orbital.
Here is a 2py atomic orbital, and it will react with a second 2py atomic orbital.
And then we're going to name the atomic orbitals that make it up, and it's being made up of a carbon 2 s p 3 orbital, and a hydrogen 1 s orbital.
This is the 1s. And, just to be clear, this is the 1s atomic orbital in atomic hydrogen.
All right, so I did this not at all purposely, but this can point out for you that you need to make sure that the number of electrons that you have in your molecular orbital does match up with the total number that you have in your atomic orbitals.
And what we end up forming is a molecular orbital, because as we bring these two atomic orbitals close together, the part between them, that wave function, constructively interferes such that in our molecular orbital, we actually have a lot of wave function in between the two nuclei.
So we would label our anti-bonding orbital higher in energy than our 1 s atomic orbitals.
Here is 2s atomic orbital. Here is 1s atomic orbital.
Here is another 1s, atomic orbital for helium.
And these are s's. This is 1s atomic orbital.
So we have two electrons in our bonding orbital, but because we use the same rules to fill up molecular orbitals as we do atomic orbitals, so the Pauli exclusion principle tells us we can't have more than two electrons per orbital, so we have to go up to our anti-bonding orbital here.
So what I want to point out with this case in beryllium is that you don't have to use all of the electrons to figure out the bond order, and in fact, once you get to molecules 10 that are from atoms with atomic numbers of 8 or 10, you're not going to want to maybe draw out the full molecular orbital diagram.