Now as soon as we start talking about things like the dominant, we are also aware of the evanescence of dominance.
and so I grew up, sort of very, very aware of international cultures or thinking about them as much as I could.
Almost more than anything else for me, it's fully being aware of the moment and it seems so rich all of a sudden.
Let me remind you of that other intrusive moment in the poem, the moment when a figure whose presence we hadn't been aware of suddenly made -suddenly asserted himself.
They're very interesting to me and I wonder why the business community isn't more aware of them.
它们非常有趣 我也想知道,为什么工商界对它们没有足够的重视
At the same time, it's interesting that Deuteronomy seems to be aware of some of the dangers in this idea, the danger of a superiority complex, a moral danger involved in the notion of election.
Hobbes, like Machiavelli, was an innovator, and he was self-consciously aware of his innovations.
That's including me and that's why I went into the subject in the first place cause I was aware of how little I really know of this.
One of the great shifts in English/British history that you will become aware of is the shift of economic dynamism in England away from the south to the north.
But you've got to be aware of one fact.
However, there's one other variable that you want to be aware of and that is, he knows he ought to be going straight ahead like that, but he also knows that his right flank is open.
to the... -Em... I'm not aware of any sort of...arguments with the say that it's a single economic zone.
Derrida is aware of it in advance. He says in effect, "Look, I know we're running this risk in saying everything is language," or, if you will here, everything is discourse.
you're not lying to anybody else still, there are desires and motivations that govern your behavior that you may not be aware of.
They're interesting biological reasons for that, but certainly it's relevant, and it's important of course for physicians to be aware of this when they're screening overweight people for Diabetes given that excess risk in the women.
unless you didn't know that, weren't aware of the art market yourself, it would be very important