What's essential about the Primary Dealer Credit Facility is that they're opening up the discount window of lending beyond the member bank to primary dealers.
So the central bank would print up notes and give it to the government and the government would start spending it on the war.
If you go into an investment bank and say, I want to open up a deposit, they'll say, we don't do that. So, the word bank is somewhat misleading.
Instead of setting up a central bank in the United States as was done commonly in other countries the United States instead created twelve banks; they're the twelve Federal Reserve Banks.
Other countries had set up central banks following on the Bank of England but the U.S. didn't set up a central bank; it set up a system of twelve banks and they were regional.
If you go to a savings bank, or a savings and loan, or a commercial bank and you say, I want to open up a checking account--that's a deposit; or, I want to open up a saving account--that's a deposit.