The discount rate was a policy variable set by the Fed and it was typically fifty basis points below the Federal Funds Rate.
Well it could go twenty basis points lower but interest rates can never be negative.
The primary discount rate is typically a hundred basis points above the Funds Rate.
The discount rate is now only 2.5% twenty-five basis points higher; it's at 2.5%.
Interest rates have hit zero 0.2%; that's twenty basis points above zero.
They were worried that if the discount rate is fifty basis points below the Federal Funds Rate then it's going to hit zero and that would be embarrassing; so they moved it.
For the ten years ended June 30,2005, it returned 9.9% per year and then the average return for the actively managed equity fund was 9.6% per year, so we're back to that thirty basis points.
Maybe on average institutions lose thirty basis points, but it's kind of Lake Wobegon, where we all believe that we're better than average, so we're going to overcome that thirty basis points -that's not such a big hurdle.
This is incredibly important because,when you look at this number that we started out with,saying the benchmark was 9.9 but net of fees the managers on average only lost thirty basis points--or .3% -you'd say,well that's a game I don't mind playing.