and so what the lecture today is going to be about is how did the particular twenty-seven books that came to be the New Testament canon,how did those get chosen?
If you, at the end of the semester, haven't agreed with me about this particular claim or that particular claim, so be it.
That's the case marvelously in this poem, and I'd be happy to talk about particular examples with any of you who'd like to work through it.
And in particular, I want to be formal about the definition of best response.
That shouldn't be too surprising given what we talked about last week, that your immune system, the adaptive immune system in particular, responds to individual antigens differently.
Well the fact is it could be hundreds of foods in the American food supply, and what's noteworthy about this particular list of ingredients, is that it's fifty-six entries long; fifty-six things in this particular food and we defined it as food.
If you have questions-- and this will be on our website, it was in the email you were sent, and then it'll be here too when I post the course lecture notes-- contact these particular teaching fellows if you have questions about these particular parts of the course.
I just wanted to introduce those concepts because you've read about them; we'll be talking more about RNA interference in particular as we go on through the course.