According to the 1643 Licensing Order against which Milton is directing this treatise, Areopagitica, a book has to be sent to the licensing office for approval before it can be published.
They have to be preapproved by the state before they can actually be published.
During the Enlightenment, the works of the philosophers that could not be published in France werepublished in Switzerland, more about that another time, and in the Netherlands.
So for next week, I ask you read the first 50 pages and I think they are the reading never get to be much... The second book which was published only in May of this year, Three Philosophical Filmmakers is longer so some of those chapters are a little longer.
We know what censorship is. Censorship is the banning of books that have been published and that have been deemed by the state authorities to be dangerous or harmful in some way.
And it may well be that no poem has ever been since Paradise Lost published with line numbers in its very first edition.
And you're getting to see something like an intimation of John Milton the published poet, a poet whose energies are going to be directed toward making his poems public.
As far as I know -- I know of no exception, although someone may well be able to produce one no original poem in English had ever been published with line numbers in the margin in its very first printing.
And it wouldn't be another twenty-two years after that until Milton actually published Paradise Lost.