The martyrs in the Easter Rebellion of 1916 become ancient Irish warriors, and we'll talk about that next time.
A lot of times they have lost their job, or have become injured or something, so they can't work anymore.
Please don't, if you are up here, become complacent because a month from now we will have another test.
Things can't become holy and can't come into contact with the holy or the sacred if they are not first pure.
If the element of surprise is to become absolutely central and paramount in the reading process, the gap has to get bigger.
But I expect that like many of our students here that's just one of multiple affinity groups you might have chosen to become part of.
The boys want to become hobos because there's a kind of hunger that's generated at home; it's satisfied at home, but it's also generated at home.
Why do people become firemen, policemen, soldiers, freedom fighters, all activities that cannot be explained in terms of self-interest alone?
But even more than that, we'll become even more particular than just talking about psychology in this part of the world.
So that's the way the world looks when the polis is invented and when colonization begins to become a big thing.
Well, one way would be to isolate individual cells and culture them outside the body and see what they become.
Now I mention this only because over time, this will become important when you're not reading in files necessarily but writing files.
What it is about Baidu and the Chinese search market that's allowed Baidu to become much more successful than Google and Yahoo! in China?
I think it's important for the children to really become involved in things that maybe important to them.
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Very often this personal responsibility and collective or government responsibility become dichotomies and people are forced into camps.