Because he thought that would be big enough that in Denmark, the temperature wouldn't go below zero.
A corporation is an entity that could be sued or could lose more money than it's worth, but the value of a corporation can never fall below zero to the investors because the investors are not liable for the mistakes of the corporation.
So the concept of an absolute zero, a temperature below which you just can't go, that's directly out of the scheme here, this linear interpolation scheme with these two reference points.
So this is the percent error and what you see here is that if the number is below the zero line it means people underestimated the calories, and the bars that go above means people overestimated the calories.
In many ways you can look at most of our experiences, psychological effective experiences on a continuum, where some of them fall below the zero, the negative experiences or the painful experiences and the positive or the pleasurable experiences between the zero and the positive.
They were worried that if the discount rate is fifty basis points below the Federal Funds Rate then it's going to hit zero and that would be embarrassing; so they moved it.
So in this experiment here, delta p is less than zero. You need to have this whole thing greater than zero. So delta T is less than zero as well. So if you're below the inversion temperature and you do the Joule-Thomson experiment, you're going to end up with something that's colder on this side than that side.