And, in fact, if any electron comes in their midst, they'll capture it because the binding energy is so high.
So when you operate on the wave function, what you end up with is getting the binding energy of the electron, and the wave function back out.
And that makes sense, too, because the positive three pulling on minus one has a tighter binding energy than positive one pulling on minus one.
And remember again, the binding energy physically is the negative of the ionization energy, and that's actually how you can experimentally check to see if this is actually correct.
So now we can just take the negative of that binding energy here, and I've just rounded up here or 1 . 4 times 10 to the negative 19 joules.
Right, because when we think of an energy diagram, that lowest spot there is going to have the lowest value of the binding energy or the most negative value of binding.
So, for example, in a hydrogen atom, if you take the binding energy, the negative of that is going to be how much energy you have to put in to ionize the hydrogen atom.
And an important thing to note is in terms of what that physically means, so physically the binding energy is just the negative of the ionization energy.
So, what we can do is figure out what we would expect the binding energy of that electron to be in the case of this total shielding.
So if we can figure out the binding energy, we can also figure out how much energy we have to put into our atom in order to a eject or ionize an electron.
When we talked about binding energy, we just had one quantum number.
So we know that we're in the n equals 5 state, so we can find what the binding energy is here.
And that's going to be equal to the negative the binding energy of 2 s in b, in neutral boron.
What is the binding energy of the ground state electron in hydrogen?
We're going to be looking at the solutions to the Schrodinger equation for a hydrogen atom, and specifically we'll be looking at the binding energy of the electron to the nucleus.
We looked at the wave functions, we know the other part of solving the Schrodinger equation is to solve for the binding energy of electrons to the nucleus, so let's take a look at those.
And we know what that's equal to, this is something we've been over and over, ionization energy is simply equal to the negative of the binding energy.
And it should make sense where we got this from, because we know that the binding energy, if we're talking about a hydrogen atom, what is the binding energy equal to?
And what we call the binding energy is this is what we saw on the last slide.
We know that binding energy is always negative, ionization energy is always positive.
The ionization energy, of course, is just the negative of the binding energy.
And we can look at precisely why that is by looking at the equations for the energy levels for a hydrogen atom versus the multi-electron atom. So, for a hydrogen atom, and actually for any one electron atom at all, this is our energy or our binding energy.
We've got a lot of constants in this solution to the hydrogen atom, and we know what most of these mean. But remember that this whole term in green here is what is going to be equal to that binding energy between the nucleus of a hydrogen atom and the electron.
And if we do that calculation, what we find out is that the binding energy, in this case where we have no shielding, 72× is negative 8 . 7 2 times 10 to So, let's compare what we've just seen as our two extremes.
it's an easy calculation -- we're just taking the negative of the binding energy, again that makes sense, because it's this difference in energy here. So what we get is that the binding energy, when it's negative, the ionization energy is 5 . 4 5 times 10 to the negative 19 joules.
And we know that n describes the total energy, that total binding energy of the electron, so the total energy is going to be equal to potential energy plus kinetic energy.
This e term here is the energy, or in our case when we talk about an electron in a hydrogen atom, for example, the binding energy of that electron to the nucleus.
So, what we call this is the third ionization energy, or the negative of the binding energy, again of the 2 s orbital, but now it's in boron plus 2 to we're starting with.
And again, this is just the negative, the binding energy, when we're talking about the 2 p orbital.
So we have the operationon the wave function in terms of r, theta, and phi and remember this e is just our binding energy for the electron, and we get back out this wave function.