But the problems can grow much faster than you can get a performance boost out of the computer.
Some, like the smallpox vaccine on one exposure generates a very high response that lasts for many years so you don't need a boost.
We'll talk about the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which at the same time, is supposed to be helping sell as much food as possible to boost American agriculture, but establishes nutrition policy.
If this was tetanus, you got this tetanus vaccine when you were young; you get a boost every five or ten years because your antibody levels are starting to fall.
You have to inject it multiple times because the first blip that you get in immune response is not very high, you have to boost and often you have to boost again in order to get a high enough response to be protected.
You could probably find some antigens that don't follow exactly this behavior, but in general, this is the kind of behavior you would see on first exposure to an antigen or vaccine, called the primary exposure, and on subsequent exposure to an antigen or vaccine called the boost.
Now, if I was a person that was designing a vaccine and I noticed that this was the response that it got, that antibodies were produced, they reached some intermediate level, they started to fall, I would say, "Well I haven't stimulated the immune system enough, let me re-boost, let me give another dose of antigen."
The memory cells, which are stimulated, lead to an IgG response and that's why IgG is the antibody of-- that is produced predominantly after the boost, but there is some IgM produced also.