You cannot just tell the computer to enhance that or can you clean that up and then magically use zoom in not only on the image but also on the reflection of the victim in someone's eyeball.
So when someone says, "your apartment, it's not so great." You can tell them these reasons and then you say,
Because it says, your program will still give you a value, but it may not be what you intended, and you can't always tell, and that may propagate it's way down through a whole bunch of other computations before it causes some catastrophic failure.
Can anyone not see it? Does anyone need -- actually I can't even tell if you raise your hand. So ask your neighbor if you can't see it and get one of the plates if you're having trouble seeing with the glasses. So this should match up with the spectrum that we saw.
And if you're working with your friend, you can tell him or her whatever you're thinking and it's not going to offend him or her and they'll probably comprehend it similarly to how you imagined it in languages that really are a perfect idea of transmission vehicle.
You can tell if a pot comes from Athens or it comes from Pylos, or-- not Pylos it was probably out of business-- Thebes or someplace else because they have their local characteristics which are perfectly obvious.
You can tell lies in language you may not understand the meaning of the words you used.
PROFESSOR: As you can probably tell from Moungi the volume of my voice, I'm not Moungi.
As we do these little clicker poll things you can tell me if you find it helpful or not, then we can decide how to continue --whether to continue them in the future.
But you can tell that for some reason he is not happy with you.
I'm not Don Sadoway, as you can tell.
If you're stuck, if you're struggling, if you're not certain about something, please ask. We're not mind readers, we can't tell when you're struggling, other than sort of seeing the expression on your face, we need your help in identifying that.