So the left electrode will be the cathode as I have configured it, and the right electrode will be anode.
That is how that works. By the way, this is the cathode.
So, when the voltage difference between the plates is zero, or when we just don't have the plates there at all, the cathode rays are not bent, they just go right in a straight line, and they can be detected on this screen.
So rather than calling this an electron beam, this was called a cathode ray.
PROFESSOR: Yeah, that's right. So, what we have here, cathode rays we now know are negatively charged particles. And, in fact, he named these negatively charged particles. Does anyone know what he named them? No, not electrons - very good guess. He named them corpuscles.
And what we did was he put two detection plates on either side of these cathode rays, and when he put a voltage difference between these two plates, he wanted to see if he could actually bend the rays and test if they're actually charged or not.
And if I evacuate it, I have a cathode ray tube.
Electrons will actually boil off the cathode and accelerate across.