Now, you know, because we talked about cell culture already, that a great--that we talked about last week, manufacturing of cells.
We'll talk about cell culture engineering during Week 4, how do you maintain cells in culture, what are the limits of this.
Another comparison for a meaningful drug screening essay, I would assume you would need 1 million cells that you could grow easily in a standard cell culture dish.
We talked about attenuating in the laboratory, using cell culture techniques and what we know about mutating viruses.
You could use cell culture, so you don't have to grow the virus naturally in animals.
One of the purposes of cell culture is to make many, many more cells under controlled conditions where I can understand what those cells are.
Well, it turns out that we could not identify, at least at that point, a cell culture that would serve as a host for vaccinia.
One of the main things that we use cell culture or maintenance of cells outside the body for is to make more copies of cells.
In particular, cell culture technology or how you culture cells outside the body.
A group of scientists, mainly in Boston found, importantly, that they could cultivate the polio virus, the disease causing polio virus; they could cultivate it in cell culture.
It's a picture of cells actually growing and moving in cell culture.
Well, if you knew a cell that could serve as a host for a virus, you could use this process of cell culture to make large quantities of virus,right?
Cell proliferation is a huge issue in cell culture.
Yeast cells were grown in large numbers with this plasmid inside, they expressed the plasmid and so you made Hepatitis B surface antigen not in people but in cell culture where it was not normally formed.
Ok, today we're going to continue our discussion of cellular principles and lead into cell culture technology which will be the subject of the section meeting this afternoon, so just to remind you about the sections.
This property of cells in culture is called anchorage dependence - that the cell needs to be anchored to a surface in order to function properly.
The other pathway that I think is very promising is now to use stem cell generated cells in culture dishes to use them for high throughput drug screening now we can test thousands of different drugs without killing so many animals.
So cell culture production wasn't an option.
In Week 3 you'll actually do some cell culture in the laboratory and look at cultured cells and learn how to manipulate, do some manipulations on cells and culture, and so on throughout the weeks.
If we grew these cells on a plate loaded with Ampicillin and we could select cells that have Ampicillin resistance, and this process of selection and cell culture is very important and we'll talk about it more next week.