These materials were transmitted and developed by different circles within Israelite society over centuries, and they crystallized at different times.
I keep going round and round in circles and I don't see the hotel.
You can take circles of different size and place them against your trajectory and see which one fits.
You have similar concentric circles of holiness characterizing the priestly conception of time.
I think one of the greatest circles for moral good is storytelling where you're invited to take the perspective of another and see the world as they do.
We're not going to run around in circles forever.
What do they see? Circles.
I sort of blocked it out with the circles, but then you can go put in two servings, and you put what time of day you had it and then the program will be able to do its work.
I look at the plate on my kitchen table, it's not perfectly round, it's got imperfections; but suddenly I start thinking about circles, perfectly round objects.
So his was a progression out of a very poor, Southern childhood, from a black family led by a single mother, to the circles in which Gertrude Stein moved in Paris.
and most importantly, deep resolution, so we can go below the cortex, where other methods like PET that have better spatial temporal resolutions can't and see what's going on in these deep circles of the brain and this is very exciting,for many people, many of the advances have occurred of the last 10 years, I'm just gonna talk about a few of them today.
So it is very hard to understand P's silence in this regard, if it stems entirely from the post-exilic, priestly circles.