We could just collect a bunch of data. For a material .What's the volume it occupies at some pressure and temperature?
But imagine I actually wanted to gather them together. I wanted to collect them, so I could do something with them.
So they would have local, sort of higher class, local elites, would bid for the right to collect local taxes, and so the Romans would take the highest bid.
And for the day, I collect their tickets and suitcases and stroll them under board.
So it doesn't make sense to just use a number 'cause you wantthis character to collect something from here or here,or there.
But 00:55 you stop and we will have people collect them either down here or at the back.
I get fire insurance on my house and so I behave badly: I deliberately burn the house down to collect on my insurance.
It's going to slide down and the guy in the last row is going to collect everything.
Then she would collect their story and she would say, "If you have any questions about this experiment, " "here is my phone number."
Now before we talk about this, let's just collect this information in a more useful way.
You can collect bone marrow, it's not a procedure that you would want to do.
This is not really a quiz cause we're not going to collect it.
My name is Joe and I collect skateboards.
But because in many cases we can reasonably either model or measure equations of state, collect data for a material for its temperature, pressure, volume relations, then in fact if we can relate all these quantities to those then in fact we really can calculate essentially all of the thermodynamics. For the material.
concerned his refusal to join in the judgment to condemn and execute the ten Athenian generals who had failed to collect the corpses, the bodies, of the men lost in a particular battle during the Peloponnesian War?
You drive your car in, it shows you by the arrows where you go, you stop at window one to make your order and pay, and then you go to window two to collect your food, and they're open twenty-four hours.