And all these political considerations or policy considerations, in some ways, are coming together in President Obama's council.
For me, it has been my reading of fiction far removed from political considerations that evoked in me a sense of personal freedom or the possibilities of escaping the South.
Well, that's not an answer that is entirely at the disposal of the general, because he's got two considerations that he has to worry about.
I'm saying that, unless tax considerations intervene, dividend policy is really irrelevant for a firm.
It's when I'm weary of considerations And life is too much like a pathless wood ; Where your face burns and tickles with the cobwebs broken across it, and one eye is weeping from a twig's having lashed across it open.
Power, considerations within religious communities and particularly within families.
But notice that all of the kinds of considerations I pointed to so far are what we might think of as everyday, familiar features about us.
What else matters besides any of those considerations?
If you take away the considerations that the reaction stays.
A company, according to Modigliani and Miller, has to weigh their tax considerations against their bankruptcy costs and get an optimum debt-equity ratio out of that.
Those would have been some of the considerations, and so what the Oikistes does when he has picked out in his own mind where he wanted to go, next he goes to Delphi.