• So, we'll start by taking a look at constructive interference, and another way to explain this is just to say again, molecular orbitals are a linear combination of atomic orbitals.


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  • And all we mean by constructive interference is that literally those two waves add together, such as the maxima are now twice as high, and the minima are now twice as low.


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  • Since we're talking about wave functions, since we're talking about the properties of waves, we don't only have constructive interference, we can also imagine a case where we would have destructive interference.


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  • So if we have constructive interference between the two, what we're going to see is our molecular orbital looks something like this.


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  • So we want to have constructive interference to form a bond, where as if we had destructive interference, we would not be forming a bond.


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  • When we were talking about constructive interference, we had more electron density in between the 2 nuclei.


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  • So let's think of them a little bit more by graphing the amplitude of the wave, and seeing how we can have this constructive interference.


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  • All right. So we see constructive interference, of course, we can also see destructive interference.


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  • So in this case where we're adding it together, this is going to be constructive interference.


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  • And in either case if we first talk about constructive interference, what again we're going to see is that where these two orbitals come together, we're going to see increased wave function in that area, so we saw constructive interference.


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  • Because if we think about wave behavior of electrons and we're forming bonds, then what we have to do is have constructive interference of 2 different electrons, right, to form a bond, we want to and together those probabilities.


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  • The reason that we can talk about this is remember that we're talking about wave functions, we're talking about waves, so we can have constructive interference in which two different orbitals can constructively interfere, we can also have destructive interference.


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  • PROFESSOR: Constructive interference.


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  • So in this case the cross term represents constructive interference between the two 1 s atomic wave functions.


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  • So we can draw that for 1 s a, we can also draw it for 1 s b, and what I'm saying for the molecular wave function is that we have the interference between the two, and we have a constructive interference, so we end up adding these two wave functions together.


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  • In this case is it constructive or destructive interference?


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