So, no one was really excited to build the product or build the tool and they weren't consumers of the tool.
Our society is those people. They are the citizens, they are the consumers, and they are the workforce.
Average consumers have very, very high expectations about search engines.
we have consumers under pressure because of their overextension of credit and they're having overpaid for houses over the last handful of years.
In the second case, if both firms undercut each other, you end up with low prices, that's actually good for consumers but bad for firms.
Some of this can be done if consumers make different choices in what they eat, but some can be silent changes too, so Frito-Lay taking the Trans fats out of their products and switching them with a healthier fat is a silent change that could have a positive impact on public health.
And from the point of view of the rest of us, the consumers, this Cournot quantity is worse than perfect competition but better than monopoly.
We're going to assume that consumers are evenly spread along this city.
Then I started to think, "Is there any way that we can save the consumers' effort and integrate everything, every function, every application, every information needs that a user wishes into one box?"
Consumer surplus, the benefits flowing to consumers lie in between.
You want us to go out and protect consumers, well of course that's a nice mission, but that's not our mandate.
That's good for us the consumers, but bad for the firm, bad for industry profit.
So as far as the consumers are concerned, these two products are perfect substitutes.
And then from a welfare point of view, from a policy point of view, we're interested about whether this is good for consumers or good for producers or what.