Now formally I could have had this pointing off to another object containing 4, but that just seemed excessive, right?
And so it has what? In contrast to the sigma, it has a nodal plane containing both nuclei.
Hopefully each one of those cells is containing one or more of the plasmids that you're interested in and those are being copied as well.
So now we have a list containing two lists.
Imagine two genes, two sorts of animals each containing their own gene.
This is just the folder containing all of that stuff that we created a PDF out of ultimately.
We can put a list in the list again, as we've seen before. So let's put the list containing the string a, and I'll print out so now we see something pretty interesting about a list, that we can mix up all sorts of things in it, and that's OK.
Those two examples I just gave you, one had to directly inject a gene containing vector into the pronucleus of a fertilized egg and you don't have that opportunity in adults.