Now for thinking about the application or that putting the content into practice, we put a great deal of emphasis on that.
And so I help with their media content and create videos that promote their campaigns.
This is Virgil: "He should sing thin - spun lays and he should be content feeding his fat sheep."
So this is an experiment of using an online distance product to enrich what was from a content standpoint that our students recapped.
But story, that's what the plot is about, and if that's what the plot is about, how can we avoid calling it content?
These two dialogues, it should be evident, I mean, differ not only in content but in their dramatic context.
In fact, this poem's power lies, I think, in its -not only its inability but its unwillingness to specify the content of that revelation.
There are questions that intersect between the form and the content in every single novel that we read.
We came up with this idea that we open up the interface so that people who owns the data, who owns the content, can submit it to us and we will integrate into our search results.
But dreams always had a latent content as well, meaning the hidden implication of the dream.
This distance here could be something like the alcohol content or the flavor of the beer.
I'll leave it anonymous but read the content.
I'll be content... I won't be completely content... but I'll be at least largely content as long as you've really thought through the arguments on each side of these various issues.
So this is a piece by Strauss where he's trying to resurrect the content, or mirror the content, of a philosophical novel by Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and it's about the unleashing of human capacity as it comes forth from the primordial earth here.
Okay, I'm content, this is great. I'm on the beach, I have a sandwich."
So, if you could make automobiles with a high magnesium content, you would reduce the mass, reduce the energy required, and thereby reduce the environmental impact.