Bishops at this time,especially of major cities, would sometimes send around what we call a paschal letter, an Easter letter. In which they'd give instructions or different kinds of things to their churches.
D-A-V-I-D Well, if I've got a five-letter word like D-A-V-I-D, well, that's like five bytes and yet we only have the ability thus far in this class to return one thing at a time I can't return five bytes to you, but wait a minute, those bytes by nature of a computer are just stored in RAM.
He gave Oedipa a letter that looked like he'd been carrying it around for years.
They both start with the letter D but they're very different concepts.
> But if you actually do the math, those zeros and ones translate to an ASCII character which is D which is gonna be a 65, 66, 67, 68 would be the letter D.
Well, get string again is returning the address of the string the user typed in, D the address of the very first character like the letter D and storing that address in this variable s1.