But just to hammer home this point, if I could, we have time for one awkward demonstration.
We know already and we know last week from our demonstration of the floppy disks and such that there're various forms of memory inside of a computer.
I began this class with a demonstration of -that illustrates two very important facts about language.
I'll give you one more demonstration.
And when she was a very old lady, she led a demonstration to try to protect her little part of France on the Italian border from being exploited by tourism, more about that at the end, and with her tractor she led this demonstration.
So this first line of code, and some of this again we'll be rehashed but at least you can delight in the awkwardness that is this demonstration.
But the demonstration also illustrated another fact about language, which is how different languages are.
The final example I'll give of this is a short demonstration.
When I'm talking about language I'm meaning systems like English and Dutch and Warlpiri and Italian and Turkish and Urdu and what we've seen and heard right now in class in the demonstration that preceded the formal lecture.