So, if you look at any engineering system, the performance of that engineering system is a function of its design and its construction.
And then I, I self-publish, so I had to do the design and layout of the book myself as well.
To attend these lectures in sections-- more on that in a moment; to submit 9 problem sets, take two quizzes and ultimately design a final project.
And we challenge ourselves to do the system design so that we responsibly took into account all of the dimensions that we talked about at the beginning.
So this design of having students on campus once a month for intensive classes allows students to continue working full time.
But the things we were trying to stress were that it's an important design decision when you are coming up with a piece of code, as to what kind of efficiency your code has.
Then the design was that, when you reached retirement age, you would then get funds from the government for the rest of your life--your retirement funds.
That is the subject of the great sonnet "Design."
But that's thwarting the design of the god who brought the flood.
Scientists observe and try to describe and engineers try to design.
Now, if you're an engineer, and you use the ideal gas law to design a chemical plant or a boiler or an electrical plant, you know, a steam plant, you're going to be in big trouble.
So how did you actually design who saw the president?
And there's also I think a museum there, MAD or Museum of Art and Design and it's fairly new as well
Everything like just the design and also the structural part was really well made, so I like it for that.
This slide and the next will effectively teach you how to design neural prostheses.
Halls, they try to design halls such that that doesn't happen, and I show an example of a concert hall here -- this is Symphony Hall in Boston, and I can pretty much guarantee you if you do go to this Symphony Hall, you will not experience a bad seat or a dead seat.